Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A little bit of dust

Last of the sunsets for just now. This one was taken from a slightly different location and about 30 minutes later, but again, it is playing around with the exposure that produces a different effect.

That... and dust!

The British naturalist, Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, who was a pioneer of evolutionary theory, along with Darwin, wrote a chapter in one of his books entitled “The Importance of Dust."
He pointed out that the beautiful colours in the sky, both the blue of a bright summer day, and the reds, golds and lilacs of sunset, are all due to the presence of dust. Without dust the sky would appear absolutely black and the stars would be visible all day.
What's more, it is because of the dust that we get mist and cloud and rain, without which life on earth would be impossible. Come to think of it, we ourselves come from the dust of the earth, do we not?
Amazing what God can do with a little bit of dirt.

Reminds me of an old joke...There was a group of scientists and they were all sitting around discussing which one of them was going to God and tell Him that they didn't need him anymore.
One of the scientists volunteered and went to tell God that he was no longer needed.
The scientist says to God - "God, you know, a group of us have been thinking and I've come to tell you that we really don't need you anymore. I mean, we've been coming up with great theories and ideas, we've cloned sheep, and we're on the verge of cloning humans. So as you can see, we really don't need you."
God nods understandingly and says. "I see. Well, no hard feelings. But before you go let's have a contest. What do you think?"
The scientist says, "Sure. What kind of contest?"
God: "A man-making contest."
The scientist: "Sure! No problem".
The scientist bends down and picks up a handful of dirt and says, "Okay, I'm ready!"
God replies, "No, no, no... You go and get your own dirt."


Cherie said...

Ha! Good one!

I shall remember that dirt is good when I am cleaning my dirty floor today. Maybe I'll imagine a gorgeous sunset and smile while I sweep and mop!

Pam said...

The front room of our home has a large window and the sun pours its happy rays through for good part of the day. It is my favorite room in the house. But the sun seems to accentuate the presence of dust, no matter how often clean. I will try to see the dust in a new light... I will try to appreciate it!

Beautiful photos, as usual.
I hope you are feeling better...


Happy dusting, Pam, and to you and everyone else who has been willing me to get better I can say that I have now returned to work. Still pretty tired most of the time but much better than I was before. I still have some stitches in my back from a small operation but they are to be removed on Monday. After that I am hoping things can only get better.