Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Three, two one...

There are some aspects of my work that are not intellectually demanding, nor emotionally draining, nor even physically challenging (actually when I think about it very little of what I do is really any of these things, but it sounded good.) However, occasionally I get to do something which is just sheer good fun!
Today our local primary school were having a special celebration to mark their silver anniversary - a balloon release!! Yess!
Perhaps they should have held off until tomorrow for the theologically appropriate 'Ascension Day.'
On second thoughts, though, I don't think the kids would have lasted any longer. They were much too excited about the whole thing. There is nothing quite like a couple of hundred youngsters feeding each other's excitement and anticipation to near chaos level. I was beginning to think the balloons wouldn't even need helium to get them airborne: the children themselves were as high as kites.
The adults, of course, were suitably restrained and dignified. (I may, however, have some photographic evidence to disprove that last statement.)
I had the chance to release a balloon myself, but a much greater honour and privilege was afforded me. I got to do the countdown. [The real (and only) reason, of course, is that I have the loudest voice.]
And so after a dramatic count of 3 - 2 - 1 ... the order was given to "GO!" and 350 green and silver balloons (minus the ones that had already gotten away) soared up into the drizzly, grey sky helped along by an explosion of pure innocent joy on the part of the children.

I remember away back in 1975 witnessing my first ever rocket launch at Cape Canaveral.
Unfortunately we had missed the launch of the very last Saturn V (the Apollo/Soyuz mission) by a mere two days, but we did get the chance to see the Viking mission to Mars being launched on a military 'Titan' rocket.
Like some gigantic firework display it was briefly spectacular but it was the countdown that got to me most. As I watched the launch-pad through the viewfinder of my camera, I listened to the countdown on the radio and I could feel my pulse quicken as the numbers got smaller and the moment got nearer.
What is it about a countdown that gets some folk so excited?
Is anticipation of the future a peculiarly human phenomenon?
In a desire to find out, I 'googled' the phrase "science of anticipation" only to discover that there is indeed research being done on this very subject. Indeed, it seems to be the way ahead (or so I anticipate.)

Talking of countdowns, in a few days' time our General Assembly will convene in Edinburgh and as I will be a commissioner this year I may not have the opportunity to do much blogging - but we'll see. (You can follow the link above to the live webcast of proceedings)
Would it be wrong (or just cynical) to suggest that next week I might anticipate... a few balloons... lots of hot-air... and one or two things ending 'up in the air'?


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your assignment. You will be missed. I just started to get to know your blog and you and now maybe you will be moving on:( Good for you though for taking the time to make a big difference in the General Assembly:)

Balloons going into the air...I used to read a book to my kids called "Balloonia," it's about some little kids that visit the land where balloons end up when they are let go. It was the kingdom of fun in balloons. Great story! Consequences: my kids never cried when they lost their balloons!

liz crumlish said...

If only commisioners to the assembly could have as much fun with all the hot air as those primary school kids did. Be diligent, Iain.


Maybe there's a bit of a misunderstanding here :-) I'll only be away for about a week - then, hopefully back to blogging.
It's only the General Assembly of the C of S not the United Nations. :-)

Anonymous said...

Okay funny guy! A week is good, I could miss you for a week! Maybe you should go for two weeks! Perhaps the United Nations could use a funny guy like you!

Walk softly on us folks that don't know everything. Our ignorance is precious!


Hey, Sandy. Don't be too harsh on yourself. Why SHOULD you know how the Church of Scotland works? I've been a member of it for nearly 40 years and I don't know how it works yet.