Friday, May 18, 2007

Super stars

Seems like we started something with our church panto.
Some of the children in P2/3 of Kirkton Primary School pestered/persuaded their class teacher to let them put on a show of their own - which they duly did this morning in the church.
And what a show it was!! The Sleeping Beauty.
It had everything. Magnificent acting performances. Wonderful costumes. A great set. Slick presentation. And, most important of all, a beautiful princess, a handsome prince and a really nasty and scary "baddie."
In fact it was an incredibly professional production... except for one little technical glitch at the very start... to do with radio mikes...
Now, who was in charge of that?
Ah well. We got it sorted eventually.
And they all lived happily ever after.


Alice said...

Ah..we all love a happy ending!

Shony said...

Did you know Iain that I was the very first primary five class to attend Kirkton Primary? Made me feel quite old with them having their recent anniversary!