Here some of the singers get a chance to see the action for the first time and hopefully begin to realise how the songs they've been learning fit in with the story. They seemed to be having a good time anyway.
On Saturday, in spite of my fear of heights, I was up a ladder about 15 feet from the floor (I think that's about 4.5 metres in new money) putting into effect my little 'engineering' solution to the growing of a beanstalk. We won't know if it works until Sunday's dress rehearsal. (Not that I'm a last minute person or anything like that...)
Hi Iain
Enjoyed reading your blog. Also just found the Kirkton website. It's great and I'll be able to keep up with all the news. Pity I can't get to the Panto. Have booked to come home later instead. Hope it goes well and look forward to seeing the photos/DVD.
Take care
Love Elaine S
Hi Elaine,
Thanks for dropping in on the blog. Keep visiting and leaving comments, please - as long as they are as positive and friendly as your first :-) (Only joking)
Sorry you won't be able to see the Pano. There will certainly be photos but hopefully also a DVD. See you some time.
"Oh no you don't..."
that's my favourite bit. When Ailsa pinches all the money =]=]=]
i'm actually really looking foreward to dress rehearsal. It'll certainly be a break from all this studying.
I'm also very intruigued about the beanstalk...:)
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