It remains to be seen, however, if it will actually work. I will keep you posted.
I enjoy problem-solving, whether it's fixing a computer problem, or just doing the crossword, or trying to make a 14foot cardboard whale (yes, I did that once, or rather twice, in two different ways-but it would take too long to tell you how or why.) I enjoy it because there is an answer to be found and there is great satisfaction to be gained in finding it.
Life itself, of course, is not so simple, and many of the issues and questions we wrestle with in our daily lives just do not have any easy answers. And sometimes no answer at all. I am often suspicious of those who claim that they do. I suspect they either do not understand the problem or they have never had to try out their proposed solution in real life.
Then again, who said life should be problem-free? Or that every question must have an answer?
*Excerpt from "Reason, Truth and God By Renford Bambrough"
1 comment:
i made two 6 foot whales a few years ago
they looked good!
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