Sunday, October 07, 2007

A play of locusts?

The creativity, inventiveness and sheer skill of human beings never cease to amaze me.
Where do people get their ideas from?

I once watched two young boys in a little Greek village take an old metal container and, with nothing more than a couple of large stones, transform it into a boat which they could float on the water and play with. A toy out of almost nothing.

The picture above was snapped hurriedly last week in Venice as we passed this group of Chinese people transforming palm leaves into 'locusts' with just a few deft and well-practised twists and folds. They looked to me as if they could have made these things with their eyes closed.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

I've often wondered the same thing. Who was the first to do this, and what gave him/her the notion. Amazing. Looks like a wonderful trip, Iain! Glad you got to go.